Yves LASNE - Gabriel VERNOT
high dilutions
experimental aspects

    In this work, the authors springing from different scientifie disciplines set down in common their knowledge and experiences to provide one explicit model of the nature and of the working of "High Dilutions".
    This original and multi disciplinary consensus has, as consequence, integrated the mechanism of the High Dilutions into the corpus of the Science and is in harmony with S.Hahnemann's statement: "Each science could only discuss objects that pertain to its domain".
    This discovery has a lot of applications among which the modelling of Hahnemann's work is not the least. For 200 years, the questions of the founder of the homeopathy still remained to be solved: "How can weak doses of medication extended such as those used in homeopathy still have strength, high strength"? adding: "What happens really has to be at least possible".
    When the matter disappears, it leaves what the authors called a "white hole" by opposition to the "black hole" in which the matter is super-dense. This implies that, for any dilution level up to Avogadro's number, remanent waves of neutronic nature are created, and will reorganize the structure of the diluent. This organisation subtends the concept of the Hyper-protons modelled as free protons in a space-time having singularities of "white hole" type.
    So, a diluted and successed solution will contain contonian remanent waves whose quantity is proportional to the density of matter having disappeared and whose frequency is characteristic of this matter, which allows the authors to introduce the firts model of the drive of animated matter.
    Therefore, this work brings an answer to the question, "Why do the High Dilutions operate?". In addition, the authors pursued their investigations and evidenced the emission of Beta radiations from these solutions whatever their concentrations are, so enforcing, in the field of the physics, the basics of their theory of High Dilutions.
275 FF
ISBN 2-84054-046-0

Theory of High Dilutions & Experimental Aspects
For two hundred years, obtaining therapeutical results when using preparations having no active ingredients, within the Avogadro meaning, remains a scientific enigma.
To answer to the Samuel Hahnemann question : "What really happens has to be at least possible", four authors propose a theoretical model and the experimental validation of the diluted-succussed solutions used in the therapeutical frame of the homoeopathic doctrine.
This work under the direction of Dr Conte is multi disciplinary and interdisciplinary. It is presented in a book entitled Theory of High Dilutions & Experimental Aspects. The French and English versions of the volume I have been published in 1996 by Polytechnica (Paris) and versions of the volume II in 2000: Theory of High Dilution. Application to Life.

To order the books: www.economica.fr

Dr Yves Lasne (left) and Dr Rolland Conte discussing the Theory of High Dilutions - Application to life, published in 2000.
Summary of the volume I, by Paul Callinan M.Sc. N.D. D.Hom. can be found at


A book review by Jay Yasgur in


Equipment and Method

Measurements were carried on a large range of diluted-succussed solutions, prepared under different physico-chemical situations well controlled, on human biological liquids, animal biological liquids (cats, horses, cows, snakes...), organ extracts and on cellular cultures.
The theoretical methods applied are based on the current corpus of science: Theory of Ethers, Quantum Theory of the Relativistic Fields, Contonian Statistics.
The experimental methods are those commonly used: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Minispec (20 MHz) from Brücker S.A), specially calibrated for water to get stable signal around 9000 microsec for the 90° pulse and twice that value for the 180° one. Liquid Scintillation (Tricarb 2300 from Packard S.A), Computers on a Local area Network (Hewlett Packard 850 MHz, Power Macintosh 400 MHz). The dilutions-succussions are performed according to the classical principles, the succussion machine allowing to remake exactly the same energy in every given diluted-succussed solution. The water used presented a minimum of relaxation time T2 equal to 2100 millisec to get the required high purity, and therefore comparable data. Finally, various conventional equipment are also used: ultrasonic devices, magnetic field generators, incubators, freezers, automatic pipettes, and so on ....