The white hole formation:
Consequence of the matter disappearance in space-time
Rolland R. Conte, Yves Lasne & Henri Berliocchi

Space-time: Generation of a peculiarity, cone of light.
As figure 1 shows (example of a space-time representation), cones of past and future light of a P event divide the space - time in three regions. The absolute future of the event is the internal region named “ Cone of future light “ (this is only the wave of the solute). It is the set of all events that can be influenced by what arrives in P. Events not being located out of the cone of light deriving from P cannot be reached by signals coming from P because nothing can travel more quickly than light. The absolute past of the event is the internal region named “ Cone of past light “. It is the set of all events of which signals traveling to the speed of light, or nearly, can reach P. It is therefore the set of all events that can affect what arrives in P.  

The elsewhere is the region of the space-time that doesn’t spread in any of light cones, past or future, of P. This happening cannot affect nor be affected by events existing in P.
The approach of phenomenon related to homoeopathic dilutions is founded on the fact that space-time could be taken as the ultimate support for effects at the biotope level, so long as one considers peculiarities of “ white hole” type (cone of the future of a point) on this space - time. In fact we show that the cone of the future of a point in the space-time, even extremely tapering considering the universal constants, cannot be disregarded at the level of its effects. To be formulated the notion of white hole requires the scope of the quantum Theory of the relativistic fields, that means that this notion contains some quantum aspects: fields and relativistic aspects: cone of the future. The idea is that a discontinuity of the space-time induces a wave.

The white hole formation.
The disappearance of matter in the space time generates a peculiarity (cone of light). How this matter, called the solute, disappears during the dilution process specific to the preparation of homoeopathic products?

As shown on figure 2, only two processes can be used to do a dilution: one while preserving the initial mass of solute (represented here by spheres) and while increasing the volume of the solvent (it is the case of the dilution of a given product in a river between its source and its mouth), the other while diluting a part of a solute successively in identical volumes of solvent, it is the process used in the manufacture of homoeopathic products . Let’s note that in this case a “ succussion “ (strong vertical or horizontal agitation of the product) is applied at every stage of dilution.
The first process, in which the volume of solute remains constant, is a reversible process, because occurring without exchange of matter. Indeed if at a given moment, in the future, one evaporates the solvent completety, one recovers the entirety of the initial solute.

On the opposite, the process used for the preparation of homoeopathic products is an irreversible process, because associated to an exchange of matter. Indeed, if at any stage of the process one evaporates all the solvent, one only recovers a part of the mass of the initial solute, or even no mass at all. Since the initial state, the quantity of solute decreased continually to reach the value zero (limit of Avogadro). It is that that we called the disappearance of the matter during the dilution process. So it is not the solute concentration that is necessary to consider when comparing the two processes, but the nature of the processes.

Only this comparison will permit to understand what is the ultimate support for the effects of dilutions at the biotope level: space-time and not matter (the solute) as would like to think the champions of the chemistry. As written by Pierre Cornillot in the preface (1) ,... where matter is going to appear only in the discontinuity of space-time, without mass, non charged and capable of inducing a neutronic field “.

In figure 2, although the solute concentrations are identical at the different stages of the two processes of dilution, the process specific of the growth of the volume of dilutent never drives to a solute concentration equal to zero, except for an infinite solvent volume. For what concerns effects on space-time, only the production process of homoeopathic products leads to a white hole production in the space time.

The formation of hyper - protons.

The white hole will appear, when it is alone, as being non charged and inducing a field of neutronic type. The superposition (interaction) of a white hole and a proton, that is the heaviest charged simple particle, will give a hyper - proton. A hyper - proton is a “fractional” proton with regards to matter. The succussion at every stage of the dilution process permits to encourage inter - actions between the diluent (the elsewhere in figure 1), and a white hole as shown in figure 3.

These hyper - protons form trains of wave called “ remanent waves “, whose combinations give birth to electrons.

In the High Dilution theory: Application to Life, authors propose a mechanism that, from fields, made matter pass under the dependence of gravitation.

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This modelling gives the scientific bases to the development of remedies said homoeopathic and clarify their way of action.

1. Théory of High Dilutions: Application to Life. Rolland R.Conte, Henri Berliocchi & Yves Lasne.
Editions Economica, Paris 2000.